William Banish

Your partner in traffic growth: grab attention, hold engagement, meet needs, compel to action. Simple right? Well...

Not always. The goals of content writing are kind of simple. Yeah, simple like hitting a golf ball. Grab a club, keep your head down, hit the ball. Peace of cake. Anyone can do it.

Until you try it! Grip the club wrong, stand too far away, lift head and...disaster.

Content writing can be like that. Well, maybe not end in disaster exactly, but without the success you were looking for.  And you're scrolling through writer directories looking for answers.


How I Can Help

I'm a certified content marketer, trained in writing posts that capture readers and massage search engines. You know posts that meet both demands drive traffic to your website, and traffic drives revenue.

I'm trained to craft posts that grab reader attention in headlines, keep them engaged and move them toward your desired action. Equally important, I'm trained to write for search engine ranking, strategically using keywords, images and other techniques to boost articles to the top.


How It Works

High ranking posts require teamwork. I work with clients to clarify project subject, scope, and goals. We sharpen reader takeaways, set success criteria. I research the subject and the competition, identify areas where we might gain an edge to further boost our ranking. Client feedback of my provided outline and drafts culminate in a completed project intended for first page search ranking.

I help you cut through the noise. When you win, I win.


So, What Topics Do You Need?

I'm a bulldog researcher and love to expand my world. So, it's hard to limit topics, but here are some I'm passionate about:

  • Small Business-my wife and I owned and operated three small businesses
  • Travel-I love learning about and sharing new cultures and experiences
  • Family and Parenting-A father of five, I know the importance and impact of family
  • Faith-For over 40 years I've served in various roles of lay service and leadership
  • Health and Nutrition-Nutrition helped me ditch meds, so I know good nutrition leads to good health
  • Sports-I love the drama and inspiration that is applicable to life's challenges
  • British-American Culture-my British mother-in-law kindled a love and amusement of British culture.


Sound Interesting?

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, just shoot me an email and let's chat. Meanwhile, you can check out my work:

Senior Travel 2024: The Ultimate Guide (Safe Ways to Explore and Save Time and Money)


Topics: Business, Travel, Faith, Family, Health, Nutrition, Sports, British-American culture
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