Paulo Mendes, MD

Health Content Specialist

To stand out in today’s crowded marketplace, your web content must deliver value to the right audience and rank well on search engines. In a fiercely competitive field such as healthcare, the stakes are even higher and top-notch content is essential.

Bland blog posts stuffed with haphazardly chosen keywords won’t cut it anymore. People won’t read them. Google will derank them. They will harm your brand’s health.


Audiences and publishers demand the highest quality when it comes to healthcare content.

As a physician and medical writer, I leverage my medical knowledge and clinical experience to deliver authoritative, well-crafted pieces that educate consumers about their health concerns.

Every piece not only presents complex information in a thorough but accessible manner, but also complies with all applicable ethical standards and legal requirements.


Even the best content is useless if your audience never sees it. To be found in an increasingly crowded cyberspace, you need to impress search engines as well.

Search engines have nitpicking standards that evolve constantly. And they can impose harsh penalties on attempts at gaming search results.

How can you both present medical content and catch Google's eye at the same time?

Enter search engine optimization (SEO). SEO requires a thorough analysis of your audience’s profile, carefully drafted content briefs, and strategic deployment of well-chosen keywords.

SEO needs to address issues such as:

  • How long should your post be?
  • Which keywords should you target?
  • Can you have too few (or too many) visuals?

A solid SEO strategy will boost your content’s rank in search results, attract readers, bring in leads and get you more customers.


You can find some of my writing samples at the links below.


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To discuss your content-writing needs, drop me an email at the address below. I'm looking forward to serve you.

Topics: healthcare, health, medicine, pharma, it, tech, finance
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